Category Archives: Our people

Australia-China scientific exchange

We are all aware of China’s surging economic growth but it may be surprising to some that China has also had a 64-fold increase in peer-reviewed scientific papers since 1981. Assuming China’s research presence continues along the same trajectory, it will become the largest producer of scientific knowledge by 2013 (in 2004-2008 China produced 10% of the world’s published scientific […]

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‘Exergaming’ – The new way for older Australians to keep fit

Insufficient levels of physical activity in adult Australians are increasing. In 2007 and 2008, approximately 62% of adults did not meet recommended ‘moderate’ physical activity guidelines. Strength, mobility, aerobic capacity, energy, anxiety, depression and reduction in fall risk in older populations have been shown to improve following increased physical activity interventions. Additionally, there are recently published findings suggesting high levels […]

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